INSIDE Presentations
These are presentations and publications made by Playdead relating to the game INSIDE.

Low Complexity, High Fidelity: The Rendering of INSIDE
This talk details the techniques used to achieve high visual fidelity in the context of the uncompromisingly simplistic aesthetic of INSIDE.

Huddle Up! Making the [spoiler] of INSIDE
This presentation peels apart the layers woven together to make INSIDE's horrific [SPOILER], showing how its dynamic arms are imposed on a sack of physics bodies, moved by physics and animation as one unit, and glued together by specialized shading.

Subtleties of INSIDE
Konsoll 2017
This talk presents a closeup look at a number of barely noticeable elements from the game INSIDE.

Banding in Games
DTU VisionDay 2014
This presentation deals with the problem of visual banding in games, and describes an approach to solving it using dithering.

Custom Pixels
Presented at the Global Game Jame, this presents some of the techniques possible in Unity when doing entirely custom rendering by replacing all shaders in Unity.

INSIDE Shipping on iOS
Digital Dragons 2018
This is not a sexy talk about pretty graphics. It is about how to ship a game for the 4th time, while making sure everything works and the graphics remain pretty. It is also a little bit about optimizing Tiled Rendering on iOS. And maybe about raytracing on mobile. Not much though.

The Boy From INSIDE
AES 2016
This talk describes the background of the sounddesign of the main character in INSIDE.

The Playdead Approach to Audio
ITU 2016
This presentation details the audio setup used for INSIDE, relying on Wwise integrated with Unity and integrating with animation and gameplay

Unbreaking Immersion
WWise 2016
Details how an audio-sequencer was used and integrated with gameplay in INSIDE, using the breathing of the main character and the shockwave sequence of the game as examples

Animation-talk (danish)
This talk describes the high-level animation needs of a game like INSIDE, and the different areas considered when building an interactive experience.